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Multi Store Manager - Store / Shop Management System (Saas App) Free Download

Multi Store Manager – Store / Shop Management System (Saas App)

Single Software for Single or Multiple Businesses

Ultimate Solution / Software / System for any kind of:
  1. Stock Management
  2. Product Management
  3. Inventory Management
  4. Grocery Store
  5. Retail Shop
  6. Confectionery store
  7. Small store / shop
  8. Telecom Store
  9. Medicine store
  10. Boutique house etc.

In this system there are modules like Products, Clients, POS, Sales, Staffs , Expenses, Reporting etc through which subscribers can manage the store’s sales, expenses, clients, products and expenses.

Features For Each Store:

  1. Product management
  2. Stock management
  3. Client management
  4. Point of Sales
  5. Sales management
  6. Expense management
  7. Staff Management
  8. Dynamic reporting
  9. Date to date report generation
  10. Client’s due management
  11. Invoicing
  12. Highly informative dashboard.
  13. Currency Settings
  14. Responsive
  15. Run Online / Offline
  16. Dynamic settings and many more

SaaS Features

Log in as super admin.
Create a store.
That means you have created a brand new software for that store.
And sell that subscription to a store.
And make money. !!!!

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