Source code Themes Flatsome 3.3.8 Nulled
Current Version: 3.3.8
Compatible with WordPress 4.7+ and WooCommerce 3.0 / 3.1+
NEW: Instagram and Google+ option for Team Members.
NEW: Maintenance admin notification.
NEW: Pinterest icon in title element.
NEW: Category filter custom text option.
FIXED: Cart Qty buttons did not work after updating cart.
FIXED: Newsletter duplication when header element was added to both desktop and mobile/tablet.
FIXED: Scroll to is now sortable again in UX builder.
FIXED: Not possible to translate “Comments”.
FIXED: Not possible to set Gallery lightbox to false.
FIXED: Logo element PHP notice.
FIXED: Product search visibility.
FIXED: Search now excludes out of stock products if enabled in WooCommerce.
FIXED: Possible to filter post, pages in search with a new filter.
FIXED: Blog featured slider bottom margin.
FIXED: Instagram element, 4 column setting now works.
FIXED: Product slider bullets now appear when enabled.
FIXED: Review tab is focused correctly again after posting a review.
FIXED: Wishlist icon style for mobile/tablet.
FIXED: Wishlist label count now shows correct count (without refreshing the page) when last product is removed.
FIXED: Paging navigation now sizes for huge page numbers.
FIXED: Social and Follow icons now appear horizontal instead of vertical when added to a text widget.
FIXED: YOAST undefined function error when saving from WP editor.
FIXED: Vertical product gallery thumbnails scroll bar.
FIXED: Portfolio slider limit when using custom id’s.
FIXED: Portfolio admin search.
FIXED: Ordered/Numbered list now appear inside the canvas.
FIXED: Gallery lightbox image shadow position.
FIXED: Tab element panel alignment.
FIXED: Various CSS, layout issues and improvements.
UPDATED: Russian translation (thanks letquest) DEMO DOWNLOAD NOW Hot
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