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WP Residence v1.20.7 – Real Estate WordPress Theme Nulled

Current Version: 1.20.7
NEW: Set which fields you wish to show in front end submit property form.
NEW: Set which are the mandatory fields in front end submit property from.
NEW: Edit the agent and property link titles from theme options.
NEW: Option to control the contact form from lightbox property gallery.
WP Residence Real Estate WordPress Theme is a premium theme designed for independent agents and agencies, but you can also use it to allow users to submit their properties for free, for a fee or based on a subscription.
The theme has all the flexibility you need to provide the best user experience. Over 350 neatly organized theme options are included to help you create a unique and modern real estate website. 11 pre-made demos are available to get you started in seconds.
Demo User Access Information (to test front submission, save search and save favorites)
Username = user
Password = 1234

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