Version 5.4 - December 19th, 2017
- NEW: 3 New Professionally Designed Demos
- NEW: Added Advanced Custom Fields Pro plugin to our set of bundled premium plugins
- NEW: Added Fusion White Label Branding plugin to our set of bundled premium plugins
- NEW: Added Convert Plus plugin to our set of bundled premium plugins
- NEW: Added a Fusion Builder element for Convert Plus plugin
- NEW: Updated Layer Slider Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Updated Slider Revolution Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Added sliding bar link hover color setting to Theme Options
- IMPROVEMENT: Related posts with fixed image size mode now make full use of responsive image setup
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated a few database queries that were not following WP coding standards
- IMPROVEMENT: Added new option to Fusion Slider to choose scroll down arrow or nav bullets, to avoid overlapping
- IMPROVEMENT: Fusion Slider now also showing in preview mode of scheduled posts
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated multiple featured image class to make meta box appearance the same across browsers if no image is yet chosen
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated links on Fusion Builder add-ons page to SSL
- IMPROVEMENT: Gallery pre-selection is now available on already created gallery elements
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several descriptions to improve option explanations
- FIXED: 100% height scrolling sections being cut off on mobile, even if the 100% height option is disabled
- FIXED: Blog pagination not being able to go beyond 5 pages
- FIXED: Sliding bar icon on header v6 being visible, even if sliding bar was disabled
- FIXED: Compatibility issues with plugins adding custom fields to checkout page
- FIXED: Demo import only working for primary language when using WPML
- FIXED: Demo import failing when mbstring PHP extension is not loaded
- FIXED: Link selector in different Fusion Builder elements not working correctly in Firefox
- FIXED: Backend compatibility issue with Yoast SEO when horizontal menu widget is used in page contents
- FIXED: Arrow highlight indicator not working, when main menu item consists of an icon only
- FIXED: Dedicated sticky header menu not working for header v6
- FIXED: Vimeo video not pausing when moving to next frame in lightbox
- FIXED: Fusion Taxonomy Options for WooCommerce product archives not working correctly
- FIXED: A few styling issues in the vertical menu widget
- FIXED: Javascript error and rendering issue, when using elements with lightbox option where a sub element misses image
- FIXED: Styling issues on RTL setups for the tab element
- FIXED: Icon / heading alignment issue in content boxes element when using vertical timeline layout
- FIXED: Drop shadow not correctly working with zoom in/ zoom out image hover effects
- FIXED: Bottom shadow not correctly displayed on person element if image lift up hover type is chosen
- FIXED: Blog element padding setting from Theme Options not applied as default value for blog elements
- FIXED: Equal heights setting in containers causing height issue when using the Events Calendar element
- FIXED: Anchor scrolling on mobile not working correctly when triggered through sub-menu items
- FIXED: Facebook widget no correctly resizing with the available space in wrapping container
- FIXED: Fusion Taxonomy Options slider setting incorrectly copied to category pages from main shop page (upgrade fix only)
- FIXED: Popularity setting in tabs widget not working correctly for non English languages
- FIXED: Stored padding values for a few elements not being correctly read into the Fusion Builder settings popup
- FIXED: Social icons widget conditional options only working after widget was saved for the first time
- FIXED: PHP notice in social icon class if no title was set for custom icons
- FIXED: Blank page template alignment issue when using side header and sticky footer
- FIXED: Smooth anchor scrolling not respecting mobile sticky header when used on side header desktop layouts
- FIXED: Theme Option remote media warning notice showing on all admin pages
- FIXED: Overlay issue under certain circumstances when switching between shortcode generator and Fusion Builder
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