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Avada v5.4.2 Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme Nulled

Version 5.4.2 - January 29th, 2018

- NEW: Full support of WooCommerce 3.3
- NEW: Updated all premium bundled plugins to latest version as of release date
- NEW: Added a Theme Option to set a custom link URL for the site logo
- NEW: Added a Theme Option to set the icon circle bg color for separator element
- NEW: Added filter for easier changes of secondary (top) header content
- NEW: Replaced the select2 JS library with selectWoo library for better 3rd party compatibility
- IMPROVEMENT: Added the post ID as class to portfolio element posts to make CSS targetting easier
- IMPROVEMENT: Made Fusion Page Options available on Event Espresso single event screens
- FIXED: PHP fatal error when Fusion Builder is active without Avada
- FIXED: PHP fatal error on view order page, if a product of the order was already deleted from db
- FIXED: Border on tab missing on My-Account view order pages, when using WooCommerce horizontal tabs layout
- FIXED: Select2 library conflict with Events Calendar Pro list widget on backend
- FIXED: Links in lists inside the widget area element being displayed as block elements
- FIXED: Smooth scroll for on page anchors not working if header is turned off in Page Options
- FIXED: PHP fatal error on PHP 7+ in recent posts element, when retrieving posts by tags
- FIXED: PHP 7.2 compatibility issue happening on Theme Options save, causing a PHP notice
- FIXED: Page Option dependency with the rollover custom link icon
- FIXED: Smooth anchor scrolling to begin of 100% height scrolling section not working on setups like Adventure demo
- FIXED: Smooth anchor scrolling position incorrect on mobiles when anchor is inside 100% height scrolling section
- FIXED: Smooth anchor scrolling not working on mobiles when JS compiler is off
- FIXED: Flip boxes column alignment issue on desktop
- FIXED: Content boxes column alignment issue on tablet portrait mode
- FIXED: Icon circle bg color in separator element being used, even if circle was turned off
- FIXED: Default mobile menu font color not changing with color scheme

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