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WP Residence v1.30.5.2 – Real Estate WordPress Theme Nulled

WP RESIDENCE – November 17 
Visual Composer update to 5.4.4
Places Shortcode update for 4.9 wordpress.
WP RESIDENCE – November 15 
1. Save Permalinks 
2. Header must be set to google maps for half map templates regardless of global header: Advanced Search results page or Properties list Half Map

NEW: Agency, Agents, Developers and Users separation
NEW: Agency page, Developers page with custom taxonomies pages too
NEW: Register form field with account type options (agency, agent, developer or user). This can be on/off set
*NOTE: Social login will NOT create agency, agent or developer. These will create only a subscriber / user.

NEW: Select which account type options to show in new register field, if this new field is enabled
NEW: Membership packages can be shown only for specific account types (managed from admin – membership
NEW: Agencies can add agents from their own dashboard in front end.
NEW: Agents added by agency will consume the paid membership listings purchased by their AGENCY
NEW: Admin can enable/disable the option to manually approve new agents / agencies and developers (the page with agent / agency or developer info will be published by admin if this is wanted)
NEW: Shortcode for membership packages
NEW: Shortcode for developer / agency
NEW: Allow to add image caption in front end
NEW: Improve agent card design
NEW: SORT option for half map style (*work with specific notes)
NEW: Schedule viewing option in Contact Form (*applies only for theme contact form)
NEW: Reviews for property page (can be turned on/ off from theme options).
NEW: Reviews can be approved by admin or published automatically
NEW: Internal Message system (can be turned on/off from theme options)
NEW: Properties List directory style
NEW: Agent field: member of
NEW: Add number of images for each property in paid membership packages
Update: advanced search “more options” opens up
Update: similar blog posts by tags
Fix: show the login  modal when using save favorite on movbile
Fix: minor css adjustments for web and mobile
Fix: Multi Image slider showing featured image twice for front end submissions
Update: style.css, style.min.css, my_media.css, my_media.min.css
Update: included plugins Rev Slider, Ultimate addons and Visual Composer to latest versions
Full Change log - http://help.wpresidence.net/article/wp-residence-v-1-30-5-1-november-13/

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