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WP Residence v1.30.2 – Real Estate WordPress Theme Nulled

WP Residence is a Premium Real Estate theme designed for real estate independent agents and agencies, but you can also allow other people to submit their properties for free, for a fee or based on a monthly subscription. It has clean & user friendly design, and it features options like: Properties Advanced Search, Google Maps with property location markers, Ajax Filters for Properties list, user login & register with white labeled dashboard, front end property submit & edit, and many more…
WP RESIDENCE 1.30.2 – September 5
FIX: Css showing full screen and lightbox position
Added: price pins names for who wishes to style with custom colors
WP RESIDENCE 1.30.1 – September 4
NEW: Automatic list of properties found in search results
NEW: Price pins over map with 2 options: price full or price shorten (ex: 10k instead of 10000). Price pins can have custom colors for different property types (ex: sales and rentals)
NEW: Multiple Agents for property, selected from edit property / admin area. Contact form email goes to all agents assigned (main + secondary)
NEW: Half Map - open pin infobox automatically on the map, when hovering over the property in list.
NEW: Sticky footer - with option to enable/disable from theme options
NEW: List properties by categories widget. Works with counter (on/off) and with child categories (yes/no)
NEW: Show ids for agents, properties, categories, posts in lists / admin
NEW: Option to use 1 default pin for properties (improves map speed)
IMPROVED: Recent Items shortcode for Properties allows "loading more" properties in the same page and it allows adding filtering options

IMPROVED: Theme Options are moved outside Appearance - and they show in top bar admin bar as well, for better usability
IMPROVED: Shortcode for Places (featured city, featured area) apply now for categories and types as well.
IMPROVED: Add property title by default in contact message area
IMPROVED: Added compare button in properties list shortcodes
IMPROVED: Compare list/button show now on the right for better usability
IMPROVED: Use contact form 7 to send to secondary emails set in theme options, social and contact settings

EDIT: Add open in a new tab for instagram link / agent page
EDIT: Recent items shortcode - "MORE" link field has been removed from the shortcode.

FIX: Using ' in email text / email management
FIX: Disabling listing changes status without page refresh
FIX: Price slider for search type 6 to show prices with 11+ number values

NEW DEMO: http://chicago.wpresidence.net/

UPDATE: Ultimate addons v 3.16.16 and Rev Slider v
UPDATE: style.css, style.min.css, rtl.css, rtl.min.css
UPDATE: wpresidence.po and wpresidence.mo

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