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Share code Instant Inventory - Accounting, Inventory & Invoicing Management System Full

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Customer Panel

What is Instant Inventory

Instant Inventory is a web application that allows you to manage your sales and inventory on website.Update your stock information, make purchases and view sales data from anywhere whether in the office, at home, in the warehouse, or on the go. All you need to access this a device with internet connection.

Feature of Instant Inventory

  • Manage customers, supplier, users
  • Manage item with category
  • Manage multiple warehouse
  • Manage orders, invoices, payments and shipments
  • Manage bank accounts and transactions
  • Manage sales, purchases, expense and income reports
  • Support Paypal and Stripe payment gateway included.
  • Support multiple language.
  • Manage Todo’s, Task, Events with Calendar
  • Database backup

Support Multiple Language

  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • English
  • French
  • India
  • Pakistan
  • Spanish

Supplier Setup

  • Add Supplier
  • Edit Supplier
  • Delete Supplier

Customer Setup

  • Add Customer
  • Edit Customer
  • Delete Customer
  • Orders of Customer
  • Invoices of Customer
  • Payments of Customer

User Role & Permission Setup

  • Add Permission
  • Edit Permission
  • Delete Permission

Payment Method Setup

Customer can pay unsing Paypal and Stripe(Master Card, Visa Card, Discovery Card And mony more cards) from customer panel.Its very simple and easy.Beside other payment option can be applied.
  • Paypal
  • Stripe
  • Cash
  • Bank
  • Add Payment Method
  • Edit Payment Method
  • Delete Payment Method

Items Setup

  • Add Item
  • Edit Item
  • Delete Item

Item Category Setup

  • Add Item Category
  • Edit Item Category
  • Delete Item Category

Warehouse Setup

  • Add Warehouse
  • Edit Warehouse
  • Delete Warehouse


  • Add Purchase
  • Edit Purchase
  • Delete Purchase

Sales Order

  • Add Sales Order
  • Edit Sales Order
  • Delete Sales Order

Sales Invocies

  • Add Sales Invocies
  • Edit Sales Invocies
  • Delete Sales Invocies

Bank Account

  • Add New Accounts
  • Edit Accounts
  • Delete Accounts


  • Add New Deposit
  • Edit Deposit
  • Delete Deposit


  • Add New Expense
  • Edit Expense
  • Delete Expense

Database backup

Admin user can download database for backup.

All Reports

  • Sales Report
  • Purchase Report
  • Income Report
  • Expense Report
  • Income VS Expense Report

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