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Template user guideKnowledge base, FAQ, Support center 

Admin, User demo

Administration login urlFrontend user login and location submission

Business Directory Classified Ads Portal – Unique features

  • Countries SVG geo maps for easy location area based searching
  • Custom fields with visual editors (textareas, inputs, dropdowns, upload) / amenities / distances direct from Admin interface (No programming skills needed)
  • Frontend links to wireframe visual widget and search forms editing
  • Ready to use multilanguage (Backend+Frontend), RTL (Frontend) features like auto-translating with MyMemory API service and Google translator (manually corrections are also supported), look this extra simplicity, try administration!
  • Dependent fields logic on submission, search form, results listing and listing preview
  • Real multicurrency support ( different currency and different price on different language )
  • JSON API ready to connect with Mobile apps and other services

Business Directory Classified Ads Portal – Main Features

  • Earn money providing listing and featured submissions for visitors on portal with PayPal/Cash/Bank transfer payment support
  • Earn money with Google AdSense or other similar service
  • Custom categories with sub-levels, separate fields for different categories supported
  • Google Maps view for listing with populated GPS coordinates/selected location (GPS is not required, but optional)
  • More then 150 Geo SVG maps included for many countries, list: http://iwinter.com.hr/support/?p=11647
  • User registration can be disabled
  • Real multicurrency support ( different currency and different price on different language )
  • Supported front-end and backend user-types/roles with submissions: Admin, Dealer and front-end Dealer/User with admin verification
  • Front-end Facebook login for fast login
  • Each Agent and user have public profile page with all listings, logo can be listed on homepage
  • Enquires system for you and your Agent in administration
  • Review system, Add to Favorites, Sharing options
  • PDF Export for printing, Compare up to 4 listings at once
  • Extra easy to use, drag & drop multi image upload, reorder images, pages, fields, widgets, search form fields
  • Email alerts with possible customization via Admin interface
  • Google reCaptcha support against spam
  • Popular SEO techniques integrated, nice URI, customizable meta description, keywords for any page, auto xml sitemap generator.
  • Real time CSS/Javascript minimizing and caching for faster loading
  • Innovative drag & drop Menu and pages builder with logical page structure embedded
  • Backup your database and files direct from administration
  • Track your visitors with Google Analytics
  • QR code on each listing preview page to quick access from smartphone
  • Embedded YouTube videos supported for listings
  • Watermark on images supported
  • Responsive and Mobile friendly, based on Bootstrap 3
  • JSON API, RSS feeds are available
  • Based on Codeigniter, so if you know it you can easy customize anything you want
  • Simple update to higher version via updater script
  • Incredible support, documentation, knowledge base, FAQ section and quick answering on any issue!







Based on Premium LOCAL directory template by our choice (19 USD worth of files)

Download Package

  • Source JS
  • Source CSS
  • Source PHP files
  • Documentation
  • Preview example and bootstrap theme examples

Server requirements

  • PHP version 5.6 or newer
  • MySQL (4.1+)


If you enjoy this application please rate & share it! If you are rating it with less than 5 stars please drop me a mail why it didn?t achieve a full score and what could be improved in your opinion. 

Changes log

1.6.3 – 10 April 18
  • Initial release


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